Willa Krause Rustenburg

Alpha Herbal

Alpha Herbal Tonic

What is Alpha Herbal ?

Alpha Herbal Tonic is 100% Organic Health Supplement, SABS Approved. A Powerful Antiseptic, Bacterial Killer and Virucide, which supports the body and detoxifies the blood without undesirable side effects. Alpha Herbal Tonic regulate and rejuvenate to the correct pH Balance your Body Requires to optimize your Health.

Alpha Herbal Tonic has been designed to detoxify the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and all vital organs. Purify the blood and to boost the immune system. Alpha Herbal Tonic can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions.This solution is derived from a blend of botanical extracts and essential oils; Neem, Clove, Oregano, Chrysanthemum, Cedar, Cinnamon, Citronella, Garlic Extract, Geranium, Peppermint Oil, Lemongrass Oil, and Coconut Oil with natural Glycerine’s. This solution has nano colloidal properties.

Research on Alpha Herbal

According to the latest and relevant research studies, combating toxins derived from our environment (e.g. pollution) and day to day living (e.g. toxins) is significantly important to improving our health.


Therefore by reducing the negative impact that pollution and toxins have on our bodies, this can lead to optimal health. Optimal body health is important in combating chemicals in the food we eat, the fluid we drink and the air we breathe. From minor illnesses, infections and allergies. To ultimately, major diseases such as cancers, HIV and other major disorders.It is essential to examine the best methods to optimise our health. A healthy body and a stronger immune system is much more effective in fighting off these negative effects on our bodies.The benefits of herbal nutritional supplements can quickly have a positive impact your body, by correcting your body’s balance, strengthening your immune system and optimising your health.Our herbal supplements are all 100% organic, nano colloidal formulated with anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. They help to improve your health quickly. Leaving you more energised and feeling great!

The importance of pH BalanceBy nature, most foods have a high pH (are alkaline), but manufactured processed foods have a low pH (are acidic). It is important that daily dietary intake of food naturally balances body pH. To maintain optimal health, each meal should contain a balance of 75% alkaline to 25% acidic food substances.Disease and infection are able to proliferate when the body’s pH is low (too acidic). This is often as a result of acid forming foods, high fat, mucus forming foods, and toxic food residues. Examples can be seen in cases of arthritis and rheumatic situations. There is extensive research showing that cancer exists and flourishes in an acidic environment, and it deteriorates and dies in an alkaline environment. Making the body more alkaline is important in fighting many kinds of diseases. So, focus on alkalisicng for health!However this is easier said than done, our modern lifestyle and diet makes it very difficult indeed to maintain a healthy pH balance. Supplementing your diet with Alpha Herbal Herbal which has an alkalinity of 10.7 can help keep a healthy balance which in turn greatly assists the body’s defence and natural healing mechanisms.

Alpha Herbal

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